Xido Finance Launch Event
To celebrate the launch of Xido Finance, here is a promotional event worth $2,000 for you!
Event period : April 29 — May 29
* Winners of the event must be paid by Twitter Follow (https://twitter.com/xidofinance) and Medium Follow (https://xidofinance.medium.com)
Chat Event
Chat about Xido Finance and level up in the community.
At the closing of the event, we will give you 100 Trons from level 1 to 25.
- Abuse is prohibited
- After 24:00 on the last day of the event, Tron will be distributed to from 1st to 20th rankers at that time.
Quiz/Mission Event
Trivia community regularly publishes quizzes and missions.
10 Tron will be given to the winners of the quiz and the first-come, first-served missions.
Invitation event
If the invited person is level 5, 5 Tron each will be paid to the inviter and the inviter.
Event of spreading promotional articles
Upload community-written promotional posts to Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, and other cryptocurrency Telegram communities and tag @daumstudy in the community. @daumstudy gives you a reputation.
Reputation is 1 point per promotion link, and 100 Trons are given to from the 1st to 25th place according to the number of reputations on the day the event closing.
- Abuse is prohibited
- Do not use links to other users’ promotional posts
Event of Best contents : $200
Create promotional contents such as YouTube, infographics, videos, typography and more for Xido Finance and win prizes.
Basically, quality is the top important, but if you create multiple high-quality content, there are additional points.
After creating contents for Xido Finance, please fill out the Google form. Google Form : https://forms.gle/VX5hPCwv6Tetd5fH9
1st $100
2st $50
3st $30
4st $20
5st $10
- Abuse is prohibited
- Score system of the best content evaluation is high quality 70% + number of content 30%
Special Supporter Award : $200
During these events, the team will select a special supporter who helps the most of users in the Xido Finance community and has been active the most, and give a thank-you prize.
👑 Xido Finance
Website https://www.xido.finance
Notice https://t.me/xidoannouncementchannel
Telegram https://t.me/xidofinance
Twitter https://twitter.com/XidoFinance
Github https://github.com/xidofinance
Medium https://xidofinance.medium.com
Whitepaper http://xido.finance/wp.pdf